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Indonesian Thursdays - postponed lecture from March 17th PDF Print E-mail
Written by SIOK   
Thursday, 10 March 2011 22:47

Dear friends of Indonesia

Let us inform you on behalf of the Slovak – Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (SIOK) founders and the organizers of the “Indonesian Thursdays” as well about the postponement of a lecture and presentation given by ITPC (Indonesian Trade Promotion Center) representative Mr. Nusa Eka, which supposed to be held on March 17 on the theme “Interests of Indonesia to establish the close economic cooperation with the countries in Central Europe” to the third Thursday in May i.e. May 19, 2011.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 10 March 2011 22:53 )
Indonesian Thursdays from 17.2.2011 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zuzana Suskova   
Sunday, 16 January 2011 19:16

Dear friends,
Slovak Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (SIOK) prepares and will organize  ”Indonesian Thursdays”. The target of these meetings is to bring Indonesia near to us, to introduce Indonesian entrepreneurial environment and last but not least to help to establish direct commercial contacts between both entities. Indonesian Tuesdays will take place monthly, each third Thursday, at 17.30 o’clock in possesses of SIOK.

The first lecture will be held on Thursday, the 17th of February 2011 at 5.30.
in the premises of SIOK, Radlinského 10, the 4th floor, Bratislava.

Pozvanie na 3. obchodnú misiu do Indonézie PDF Print E-mail
Written by SIOK   
Monday, 26 July 2010 10:12

Vážení priatelia

Slovensko-indonézska obchodná komora (SIOK) organizuje v dňoch 12. až 17. októbra 2010 v poradí 3. obchodnú misiu do Indonézie zameranú na návštevu 25. ročníka veľtrhu Trade Expo Indonesia 2010. Cieľom misie je zároveň zoznámenie sa s teritóriom, obchodnými podmienkami, nadviazanie kontaktov a vyhodnotenie konkrétnych možností obchodu medzi Slovenskou republikou a Indonéziou.

Pre tých, ktorí sa plánujú zúčastniť misie zorganizujeme prípravne stretnutia na pôde SIOK, ktoré sa uskutočnia 2., 9. a 16. septembra 2010. Zameranie týchto stretnutí ako aj program misie a ďalšie informácie nájdete v súbore „Pozyvaci list SIOK Trade Mission“.

V prípade, že mate záujem zúčastniť sa uvedenej misie prosíme o vyplnenie “Dotaznika ucastnika misie”, ktorý nájdete takisto na našej stránke, a jeho zaslanie na adresu: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Download this file (Dotaznik ucastnika misie.doc)Dotaznik ucastnika misie.doc[Prosím, stiahnite si dotazník účastníka misie a vyplnený nam ho zašlite mailom.]106 Kb
Download this file (Pozyvaci list SIOK Trade Mission INDO 2010.pdf)Pozyvaci list SIOK Trade Mission INDO 2010.pdf[Prosím, stiahnite si pozývací list SIOK na 3. obchodnú misiu do Indonézie a návštevu výstavy TRADE EXPO 2010 so základnými informáciami.]78 Kb
Download this file (TradeExpo_2010.jpg)TradeExpo_2010.jpg[Pozvánka na TRADE EXPO 2010]85 Kb
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 03 August 2010 10:26 )
Glass of Wine Reception PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zuzana Suskova   
Monday, 17 May 2010 09:47

On the 26th of April 2010 the „Glass of Wine Reception“ on occasion of the opening of a new residence of the Slovak-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and establishing of new business relationships was held in new chamber premises. H.E. Harsha E. Joesoef, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Slovakia, Mr. Firdauzie Dwiandika, Counselor of Economic Affairs, Mr. Vladislav Oros, Senior State Counsellor of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Miloslav Beňačka, Director of International Trade Department of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and the delegation of Indonesian businessmen honored us by their presence. We would like to thank all for their attendance and pleasant atmosphere they made.

Reception on occasion of 64th Anniversary of Independence of Indonesia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Zuzana Suskova   
Saturday, 26 September 2009 12:40

On September 24th, 2009 the representatives of SIOK – Mr. Milan Compel, Mr. Julius Drugda, Mr. Tomas Ziak and Ms. Zuzana Suskova had the honor to attend the reception in Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel Bratislava, which was organized on the occasion of the 64th

Last Updated ( Thursday, 08 October 2009 12:42 )
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