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On February 7 – 9, 2009 the delegation of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia arrived to Bratislava for the working visit. The visit was paid on the invitation of the SIOK President Mr. Milan Compel and the whole SIOK. The delegation was led by Mr. Martani Huseini, the General Director of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing and further consisted of Mr. Saut P. Hutagalung, the Director of Foreign Market Development, Mr. Yulianto, the Deputy Director for Analysis and Information and Mr. Firdauzie Dwiandika, Chargé d` Affaires of the Embassy of Indonesia in Bratislava. SIOK was represented by Mr. Milan Compel, the President of SIOK and Mr. Julius Drugda, the 1st Vice-President of SIOK.


 V dňoch od 7. do 9. februára 2009 pricestovala do Bratislavy na pracovnú návštevu delegácia  Ministerstva pre námorné otázky a rybolov Indonézskej republiky na pozvanie prezidenta SIOK pána Milana Compeľa  a celej SIOK. Delegáciu viedol pán Martani Huseini, generálny riaditeľ odboru spracovania rybích produktov a obchodu, ďalej sa návštevy zúčastnili pán Saut P. Hutagalung, riaditeľ odboru zahraničného obchodu a pán Yulianto, vedúci oddelenia pre informácie a analýzy a pán Firdauzie Dwiandika, Chargé d` Affaires a.i. Veľvyslanectva Indonézskej republiky v Bratislave.  SIOK zastupovali pán Milan Compeľ, prezident SIOK a pán Július Drugda, 1. viceprezident SIOK.


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